AMAZING Cheap Life

AMAZING Cheap Life

Friday, January 11, 2019

Two page feature coming out in Betty Ace's Suspended Chord Magazine

I have a two page feature coming out in Betty Ace's Suspended Chord Magazine next Tuesday on January 15th.  I support Betty Ace in all of her endeavors and she helps ME support my sponsors!

As soon as I have a link for purchase I will add it here.  For now, here's the cover:

Betty Ace's Suspended Chord Magazine 

Friday, December 28, 2018

My progress on "Redemption", my 1937 EL Knucklehead

Chris Gibbany 1937 Knucklehead "Redemption"

I am still progressing on my 1937 EL Knucklehead that I have dubbed "Redemption" to raise awareness to narcissistic abuse.

My mother was a narcissist who caused me years of pain. I was never good enough no matter what I did or how hard I tried. When she died in 2015, I had to fight my brother for two years and I purchased this bike with my portion of the estate. The bike was in a very sad state of existence. It was a running and riding bike, but it had suffered years of abuse much like myself. In finding my "Redemption" and building myself back up, I am also bringing this bike back to it's full potential; giving it life again, with new parts and a completely new look.

The only way to fight narcissistic abuse is by raising awareness to what it is and what it does to its victims.  By sharing my story, I hope to open the door to a taboo subject that a lot of people are not familiar with.

I have some AMAZING sponsors who are helping me with this project:

Avon Tyres

BAKER Drivetrain


Epoch Eyewear

Lowbrow Customs

Old Bike Barn


Spectro Oils


TC Bros

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Lowbrow Customs is awesome!

I was SUPER excited when Kyle at Lowbrow Customs said he would sponsor my build!!!!  I am using the Lowbrow Manta Ray fender on my '39 Knucklehead, I use their Lowbrow key switch bracket on both my Panhead and my '39, plus I have several of their cool-ass shirts (Knucklehead and Panhead, of course) that I purchased at the Smoke Out and several of their kick-ass stickers on my mirror in the living room.  I use their scissor springs on all of my seats and have several sets of their Beck marbled grips in my arsenal!  

I also asked for their "All Hail The Chopper Gods" T-shirt and received one for both Gabe and I PLUS I requested their totally awesome yellow flannel.  Suffice to say, that I LOVE both my T-shirt and the flannel from them.  I also needed a variety of bungs and received them as well.

Sponsorship from Lowbrow Customs

I am totally stoked about working with Lowbrow as both my husband and I have been buying parts from them for years!  I can't wait to progress on my '37 and see my vision take shape in front of me.

Lowbrow Customs
To check out all of the cool parts that Lowbrow Customs offers for your build, go here

Biltwell seat bracket sponsor

I have run Biltwell seat brackets on every bike that I have built.  They are very high quality and look awesome!  I have used the chrome version in the past but recently have switched to the gloss black one on both my Panhead and my '39 Knucklehead.  I am proud to say that Biltwell has supplied me with a seat bracket for my 1937 Knucklehead "Redemption" build!

Awesome Biltwell seat bracket

You can check out all of their cool products here

Pingel another one of my AWESOME sponsors

I LOVE Pingel!  I run a Pingel fuel valve/petcock on all of my bikes.  When you need a fuel valve that doesn't LEAK, the only choice is Pingel.  I have tried the cheaper fuel valves in the past, but believe me, they are not worth it.

I am proud to say that Pingel has stepped up and become one of my sponsors for "Redemption", my 1937 EL Knucklehead that I am building to raise awareness to narcissistic abuse.  They let me choose any Pingel valve that I wanted and I chose this totally awesome FINNED round version.  They also sent me several stickers.

Pingel designer fuel valve finned round version

I didn't know Pingel made designer fuel valves as all of my other ones are the normal hex design. Please support Pingel as they are supporting me!   You can check out all of their products here.